The adhesive sheet of a regular bandage is usually made from a type of plastic, either PVC, polyethylene, or polyurethane. Plastic band-aids don’t break down; they are single-use plastic items end up straight in landfill. But the problem doesn’t start at the end. The impact of plastic bandages on the environment begins well before the waste produced after use. It’s worth considering the environmental footprint of these items- including the energy, waste and raw materials used in their production that has significant consequences for our environment. There are 1.2 billion households in the world. On average, 1 household buys a packet of plasters per year. This produces 2.5 billion lineal meters of strip waste per annum, which is enough to wrap around the world 51 times!

Also, about 1 in 4 people are allergic to common adhesive bandages (like Charlie, son of PATCH´s founder James Dutton). Our modern world is filled with synthetic materials that place our immune system under enormous pressure, especially with our little ones. Most of us resort to the ‘traditional’, yet harmful remedies, without much thought into what is entering or applied to our bodies. Regular plastic bandages often use an array of chemicals and substances that are bad for our health and the environment. One of these such substances is PVC, or polyvinyl chloride. Also known as vinyl, it’s the most toxic plastic for both our personal health and environment. If you’re allergic to adhesive bandages, you’ll often react to acrylate and methacrylate or epoxy diacrylates (also known as vinyl resins). These are chemicals commonly used in tape adhesives to make them sticky. Vinyl releases an abundance of toxic chemicals, including cadmium, phthalates, lead and more. There are alternatives for plastic bandages, like rubber latex ones. While this is a natural, renewable source, they take a long time to break down, and for people with latex allergies, they aren't a feasible option. People who suffer from allergic or irritant contact reaction to a bandage or adhesive know well that the only option for them is to avoid these products altogether. Thankfully for those people, and everyone who wants to take care of their health and the health of their little ones, PATCH created a bandage that is made from 100% natural bamboo fiber (which is naturally antibacterial) and natural ingredients.

PATCH strips are the perfect hypoallergenic and biodegradable wound care alternative. The range includes extra goodness in the form of activated charcoal, aloe vera or coconut oil. Designed with mineral-based ingredients for all sensitive skin types, PATCH is perfect for those who desire to remove harmful chemicals from their cabinet. And not only the plasters themselves are biodegradable, all of PATCH packaging is 100% compostable. The tubes are made from recycled paper and the individual wrapping of each plaster is also biodegradable. All PATCH products meet the globally recognized and stringent regulatory requirements that stipulates zero residue levels of pesticides and heavy metals.

PATCH strips are made from sustainable bamboo which is both human and planet friendly, providing an alternative to most commonly used materials. Bamboo is a rapidly renewable resource that grows many times faster than trees, uses much less water, produces up to 35 percent more oxygen and doesn't need pesticides or herbicides.

PATCH strips come in four varieties: 

BAMBOO: Not only is it super soft and breathable, it’s also one of the most sustainable materials to produce. Organic bamboo fiber contains a range of compounds that provide antioxidant, skin-soothing and astringent properties and relief.

COCONUT OIL: Coconut oil works at reducing inflammation and keeping the skin moisturized to help regenerate new skin cells. It is 100% safe and effective with no known side effects or toxicity. Research has found that coconut oil has a myriad of natural healing benefits for the skin, including antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

ALOE VERA: Aloe Vera has been used for thousands of years to treat wounds, burns and other skin conditions. Clinical research suggests topical application of aloe may speed burn healing and may control inflammation responses and reduce pain due to the increase in cellular movement.

ACTIVATED CHARCOAL: Charcoal is basically natures version of a juice cleanse. Activated bamboo charcoal is known to absorb toxins, taking them up through the permeable skin layers. This means it's perfect for use on bites and splinters! Once impurities are removed, the skin's healing process starts.

PATCH is internationally recognized as a certified B Corporation, which is globally seen as the highest standard for social corporate responsibility. The tribe of B Corps take a fresh and innovative take on business. Harnessing the power of business to create change and  intrinsically pursue environmental solutions in our daily operations.   

Based: Australia.

Ships to: Worldwide.

Products: 100% natural and compostable bandages made from bamboo fiber.

Mission: To produce 100% zero waste wound care, that can be used by all sensitive skin types. 

We created PATCH bamboo bandages after James (our founder) struggled to find first-aid that his son could wear without breaking out in a reaction. 
We learnt quickly not only of how common this problem was, but also of the mass amount of consumer generated waste that the bandage industry was contributing to landfill each year. 

Vision: Eradicating the world of single use plastics where possible, and to always innovate.  We see scratches as little badges of honour – whether a tree climbed, a recipe mastered or a dance floor won at 3am. We stand for empowering people to be active make choices that better them and the planet .