Energy Healing


We sometimes say we feel good vibes or bad vibes when we are with a certain person or in a certain place. These vibes, short for vibrations, are frequencies or waves of energy. We sense these waves on the outside, but we also emit them ourselves. When someone has good vibes, that person emits higher frequency energy. Similarly, when you feel down, you vibrate at a lower frequency. So if you want to feel better, you can raise your vibration frequency by expressing gratitude, thinking of someone you love, meditate, eat high-vibe foods etc.

Throughout our body, mind and soul energy flows. This flow can get blocked or unbalanced. By working directly with the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of well-being, energy healing restores that balance and flow of energy. It is used to treat various medical conditions, especially ones related to mental health. Energy healing breaks through these energetic blocks, stimulating the body's inherent ability to heal itself. There are different types of energy healing, such as reiki, pranic and crystal healing.

The healing I did a couple of weeks ago was Mudra healing. Mudras are gestures or poses used in yoga, sometimes involving the whole body, but mostly used with hands or fingers. They were created by ancient yogis to calm the mind, restore physical health, and optimize energy. “When a mudra is done with full concentration, and a state of serenity is maintained, cerebral activity is calmed and regenerated,” wrote Gertrud Hirschi, author of Yoga in Your Hands. Each of your fingers corresponds to elements and concepts, like: earth, sky, fire, the individual, or the divine.

I booked a session with Martijn at White Mudra Healing. He uses mudras to activate and nourish the innate intelligence of our energetic system. He offers healing sessions at his place in Amsterdam, or via Zoom. I wasn’t really convinced if he could really heal me over the internet, but I was curious to give it a try, and of course to support my cousin. :)

After a few big exhales and inhales lying comfortable with my eyes closed in from of my iPad, I started “falling” into the session. It felt a bit like when you fall asleep, except I wasn´t sleeping. During the session my head, eyes and shoulders twitched a lot. It was such a strange feeling that thousands of kilometers away, he was influencing this flow of energy through my body. Although it was strange, I felt very at easy throughout the session. Afterwards I did´t feel much different than before, but in the evening I was so tired. I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore at 21.15 (which I must admit happens on other occasions as well with three small kids at home). But this time I felt like really, really tired. And I slept for almost 9 hours, which is a lot for me.

Martijn´s motions and way of working with a person, comes from what he feels. There are no set questions and answers, since every person is different. “I can't say much about healing in general without the context of my specific healing work. If someone comes to me and asks a question from the heart, I can give an answer exactly to that person. The chosen words per person and the way the healing works, will therefore always differ.” Are you curious to find out for yourself how a healing with White Mudra Healing can help you? You can book your session with Martijn from wherever you are in the world here.

Want to know more about mudras? Check out these websites:


Ashley Neese


Mind Body Green

Mats Peter Forss