Posts tagged cancer
What´s in your tea bag

A hot cup of tea sounds like a soothing and comforting drink, but many of us are unaware of the materials that most tea bags are made of. Your hot cuppa sounds a lot less appealing when you know that many tea bags contain plastic, polypropylene to be exact. It is added to the paper tea bag to help heat seal them during manufacture so they don’t come open in the box, or in your cup. This means that tea bags are not biodegradable, so you cannot throw them in your compost.

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Many of us can remember that we were told as kids that milk was good for us. We had to drink it to get our daily intake of calcium so we would have strong and healthy bones. But several studies have shown that consuming more dairy doesn't result in less osteoporosis. On the contrary, a study conducted in Sweden in 2014 has shown that too much milk (three or more glasses a day) was associated with increased mortality and a higher risk of fracture. 

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