Posts tagged Bamboo
New sustainable textile fibers 1

The fashion industry is one of the most polluting in the world, so it is obvious why innovation in the textile fiber industry is much needed. Plants that you would normally eat can be used to produce fibers with, like pineapples, coffee, bananas and stinging nettles. When reading about all these alternatives you might wonder why petroleum-based fibers are still used today. Time for a change and choose fabrics made of sustainable fibers!

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Toothbrushes are items used by millions of people every day. This means that billions of toothbrushes are thrown away every year. Yes, billions. That is a lot of toothbrushes. Many of those go to landfills where they sit for hundreds of years, or they end up in oceans and rivers where they cause damage to the environment.

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Everyone who has kids probably has a plate or two made of melamine. Melamine is an organic, flame retardant industrial compound created by combining melamine resin with strengthening materials. It is virtually unbreakable, inexpensive, lightweight and comes in many different colors and designs. But it is not recyclable.

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