Posts tagged Nylon

Running has a bigger environmental impact as one might imagine. As a study has found, a new pair of running shoes typically generates 30lbs of carbon dioxide emissions, 68% of which generated during the manufacturing process. The production of the materials involved, including leather, nylon, synthetic rubber, plastic and viscose, also takes an environmental toll. 

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Synthetic textile fibers

Our clothes are made of either natural fibers or synthetic fibers. Synthetic fibers are made of polymers. The word polymer refers to a chemical substance composed of molecules that form long repeating chains, a characteristic that is useful in synthetic fibers. Synthetic fibers are made of chemicals that are often derived from coal or petroleum.

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Toothbrushes are items used by millions of people every day. This means that billions of toothbrushes are thrown away every year. Yes, billions. That is a lot of toothbrushes. Many of those go to landfills where they sit for hundreds of years, or they end up in oceans and rivers where they cause damage to the environment.

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